Our Badminton section has been running since 1972 and provides a great introduction to the sport of Badminton. We provide basic coaching on the essential elements of the game including, serving, shot technique, rules of the game and etiquette. Our members are encouraged to mix throughout the age range and we hold annual competitions in age groups.
Location: New Road, Bourne End, SL8 5BS
Ages: 11-18
Equipment Required: Sportswear and Trainers, racquets can be provided if needed
Competitions: We run club internal competitions with prizes for each age section
Leaders: Matthew Hayward, Matthew Todd
Matthew Hayward has been leading the section since 1993 with Matt Todd joining in in 1997. Both Matts have been involved with BEJSC since the mid eighties and are currently both acting as trustees on the board of directors.
Membership fee is £60 per year or £5 per month
Section fees: £37 termly
Contact Details: badminton@bejsc.co.uk
Telephone: 01628 528110 (answerphone service)