Friends of BEJSC

We are so grateful to everyone who supports the club in this way, you are a true friend of BEJSC!

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Become a “FRIEND OF BEJSC” (a plea from a past member)
As BEJSC celebrates its 50th year, what better time is there to think about the next 50! The club is unique in the country, providing fantastic sports facilities and opportunities for the children of Bourne End and local communities. We now see children and grandchildren of past members enjoying the club too, who would have thought it? The success of BEJSC is entirely due to the hundreds of dedicated volunteers who have been passing the baton one to another over the years and to the thousands of children who have enthusiastically committed themselves to various club activities.
The club has very ambitious plans and is constantly upgrading and improving its equipment and premises. The biggest aim is to build a swimming pool. If you are reading this and are reflecting on how the club has been of benefit to you, or someone you know, you also might also feel minded to help with its future. We therefore wonder if you would like to become a “FRIEND OF BEJSC”. To do this we will ask you to pay £25.00 (once a year by Standing Order) and in return you will receive a complimentary copy of our new book. Above all you can feel good about making such a valuable contribution to BEJSC and for this the club, the children and future generations thank you.
Our target is to start with 200 Friends which will generate £5,000 much needed funding. Please pass the word around. Thank you.

Simply go to your online banking facility and set up an annual standing order for £ 25 to bank account Account No. 01885586
Sort Code. 30-95-36. Please use the payment reference FRIEND-SURNAME so we know you are a true friend of BEJSC :-).

Thank you