Lighting the Future of BEJSC

**** UPDATE August 2022**** – Were almost there! Just a few more pennies and we’ll make our target. To prevent losing out to inflation we’re going to spend what we can doing what we can and will continue our quest for the last £ 4000.
****UPDATE June 2022**** – We have received some great news that a grant funding charity has gifted BEJSC £ 5000 on the proviso that we can match fund the amount. Do you know any local companies who have a CSR policy that may be able to help?? If so contact to help us secure the £ 5k.
****UPDATE April 2022**** – We have received £ 610 of donations through the website and we are so very grateful to each and every one of you who has donated. You know who you are and if you are ok with us letting others know, drop us a line and we’ll happily shout about it.
After 25 years of faithful use the lighting in the hall has had enough!
It’s old, inefficient, failing and impossible to replace (a bit like some of the section leaders at the club, lol!)
In all seriousness, we do have a problem. Without efficient and safe lighting in the hall many hundreds of kids and local adults alike would miss out on the space to undertake sports and wellness activities each and every week.
As you’d expect and like many other charities, we missed a huge chunk of income by being closed for the best part of 18 months and this has had an impact on our savings which we were using to keep the club alive during the pandemic. The need to change the lighting has become more urgent since we have been unable to obtain replacement fluorescent tubes and they are starting to fail in the main hall, causing dark spots in the corners.
We were planning and saving to do this work, but our estimate of doing the work in 2027, simply can’t wait.
We are trying as many avenues as possible to raise the funds and these include
- A partnership with CO-OP in Bourne End (, the primary focus of this fundraiser is to replace worn out climbing equipment, but if we are fortunate to exceed our target we will divert it to fund the lighting
- A direct appeal to members, ex-members and the good people of South Buckinghamshire and East Berkshire to make a donation (
- Applications to grant authorities such as Biffa Community Awards (
- Application to The National Lottery (rejected as sadly they don’t support clubs like ours at the moment)
We are so humbled by those who support our club as we do not receive any regular funding, so it means a lot when the community show their faith in us, by providing the funding we need to literally ‘keep the lights on’!
Thank you
Matt – Chairman